
Design Sprint

Accelerating the design process to create the right customer experience.


Ellie Mae wanted to create an ecosystem for lenders, consulting partners and service providers to buy and sell applications and services built on top of the Encompass lending platform. This effort spanned across internal organization including professional services, marketing, engineering and business development. There were several UX challenges that needed to be well thought out in order to provide a cohesive customer experience.


We decided to accelerate the design process by using the Design Sprint methodology bringing in product, marketing, business development, ux and engineering folks together in a 5-day hands-on collaborative workshop to create the vision for the Minimum Usable Product (MUP).

My Role

UX strategy, Facilitation, Competitive Analysis, Findings and Recommendations.



To understand the problem space and design scope we did a UX competitive analysis of popular app marketplaces prior to the design sprint.

Using the industry-standard “10 Usability Heuristics” by Jakob Nielsen, we evaluated the key flows of Getting Started, Enroll, Build & Distribute from the perspective of the first time developer experience.

Day 1: Setting the Stage

Introductions, Understand the users, Create user personas, Competitive Review, Define problem space, scope and vision

Day 2: Journey Adventures & Sketching

Journey map, Site-map, Sketching, Ideation

Day 3: Prototyping

Creating prototypes, Prepare test plan and script

Day 4: Usability Testing

Refine prototypes, Start user testing

Day 5: Results & Findings

Review results, Discuss next steps